Welcome to Savings Lifestyle!
Hang out and click around to find ways to live the Savings Lifestyle!
Easy Recipes
Sharing some of my favorite recipes that are easy and frugal. The copycat recipes have grown to be quite popular over the years!
DIY Ideas
Why BUY when you can DIY?! I heard that several years ago and thought it was perfect for how I live! There are also many kid-friendly crafts in this section as well.
Ways to Save Money
I embrace the “F” word that people get embarrassed to say out loud – FRUGAL. I wasn't raised to be thrifty. When our son was born with a health issue, frugality was something I had to get good at in order to survive on one income and pay the mountain of medical bills. I took each need as an opportunity to find a better way to save. It saved us a bundle, and I share many of those ways to save here too (and in my free ebook, 113 Ways to Save More).
Ways to Make Money
I stumbled into this blogging world not knowing one thing about making money online. You can read my series on How to Make Money Blogging.
It's been great to make this my full-time income through the years (and a lot of hard work). There are so many ways you can make money whether online or in your community. I only share legitimate ideas with my readers whether it has earning potential of $5 or $5,000. I've tried lots of ways through the years.
Personal Finance and Budgeting
This is a huge part of the site. Really it's the main reason I started writing a blog. I talk a lot about personal finance and budgeting tips, sharing our background in paying of debt along with a few (or a lot) spreadsheets and all that extra nerdiness. Numbers don't have to be scary, in fact I feel the opposite. Knowing what you're dealing with is empowering and can help you reach your goals that much faster!
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Meet Andrea Deckard, content creator

Andrea is a familiar face associated with the blog, Mommy Snacks. That makes complete sense too since she WAS (and still is to some) the person who created the popular money-saving site back in 2008!
After several years of publishing the site, Mommy Snacks was officially rebranded to Savings Lifestyle. It was a decision that was a long time coming.
Savings Lifestyle better reflects the mission and vision the site has held for years: Save on what you need. Spend on what you want. That is the same motto that facilitated a savings of $6,500 in a year's time of couponing and helping Andrea to eliminate consumer debt.
And…well, read more about Andrea and see what else living a savings lifestyle has helped her family achieve! You can email her at andrea @ savingslifestyle {dot} com.